MARIJA VUKOVIĆ je rođena 9. 10. 2012. u Banjoj Luci. Ima deset godina i učenica je petog razreda OŠ „Branko Ćopić“ u Banjoj Luci. Interesovanje za muziku i ples pokazuje godinama unazad. Najviše od svega voli muziku, a od ove godine pohađa časove škole pjevanja u Vokalnom ateljeu MaMa VOH. Ima veliku podršku svoje porodice i drugara. Do sada nije učestvovala na takmičenjima ali posjeduje izuzetnu harizmu i talenat za muziku i scenu. Raduje se učešću na Đurđevdanskom festivalu.
MARIJA VUKOVIC was born on October 9, 2012 in Banja Luka. She is ten years old and a fifth-grade student in Elementary School „Branko Copic“ in Banja Luka. She is showing interest in music and dance for years. Most of all, she likes music, and she has started attending singing classes at the MaMa VOX Vocal Studio. She has a lot of support from her family and friends. She has not participated in competitions so far, but she has exceptional charisma and talent for music and the stage. She is looking forward to participating in Djurdjevdan Festival.
MAJA UMIĆEVIĆ je rođena 27. oktobra 2011. godine u Prijedoru. S porodicom živi u Novom Gradu. Učenica je petog razreda OŠ „Branko Ćopić” Donji Agići. Uporedo pohađa treći razred Osnovne muzičke škole „Savo Balaban” u Prijedoru – odsjek violina. Školske, 2021/22. godine osvojila je prvo mjesto na Republičkom takmičenju u Banjaluci, u kategoriji za instrument violina. Njena velika ljubav je pjevanje, a video-snimak njenog izvođenja pjesme Kad ja pođoh na Bembašu objavljen je na YouTube kanalu. Majina velika želja bila je da učestvuje na Đurđevdanskom festivalu. Nada se da će jednog dana muzika biti njena profesija.
MAJA UMICEVIC was born on October 27, 2011 in Prijedor. She lives with her family in Novi Grad. She is a fifth-grade student in Elementary School „Branko Copic“ in Donji Agici. At the same time, she goes to third grade of Elementary Music School „Savo Balaban“ in Prijedor – the violin department. In school year 2021/22, she won first place at the Republic Competition in Banja Luka, in the violin competition. Her great love is singing, and a video of her performance of the song „Kad ja podjoh na Bembasu“ was published on the YouTube channel. Maja’s great wish was to participate in Djurdjevdan Festival. She hopes that one day music will become her profession.
MARTA DEUR ima devet godina i pohađa treći razred osnovne škole. Od ranog djetinjstva pokazuje veliki interes za muziku te se s tri godine upisuje u dječji hor „Kikići” u Zagrebu. U horu je veoma aktivna i ističe se svojom vedrinom, talentom i marljivošću. Nastupila je na nekoliko festivala: „Kukuricek” kao solistkinja hora, „Mali Split”, „Fens” te Festival igračaka u Ivaniću gdje osvaja prvu nagradu stručnog žirija. Ide u muzičku školu, svira klavir i pohađa časove solo pjevanja kod mentorice Maje Rogić.
MARTA DEUR is nine years old and she goes to third grade of elementary school. From an early age, she showed a great interest in music. Since the age of three, she has enrolled in the children’s choir „Kikici“ in Zagreb. She is very active in the choir and stands out for her cheerfulness, talent and diligence. She participated in several festivals: „Kukuricek“ as a choir soloist, „Mali Split“, „FeNS“ and the Toy Festival in Ivanic Grad, where she won first prize. She goes to music school, plays the piano and attends solo singing lessons with her mentor Maja Rogic.
SOFIA MAKAR znatiželjna je osmogodišnjakinja iz Zagreba. Ide u drugi razred osnovne škole i članica je dječjeg hora „Kikići”. Uživa u crtićima, bajkama i pričama, a često izmišlja i svoje. Sofia je veliki sanjar i voli grljenje i maženje. Najviše voli svog psa i prijatelje, ali najveće su joj strasti muzika i pjevanje. Dosad je nastupila na FeNS-u, „Malom Splitu” i „Brežicama” te se veseli svakom novom nastupu. Kad odraste, Sofia bi voljela postati veterinarka i liječiti životinje muzikom.
SOFIA MAKAR is a curious eight-year-old girl from Zagreb. She goes to second grade of elementary school and she is a member of the children’s choir „Kikici“. She enjoys watching cartoons, reading fairy tales and stories, and she often makes up her own. Sofia is a big dreamer and she likes hugging and cuddling. Most of all, she likes her dog and her friends, but her biggest passion is music and singing. So far, she performed in the music festival FeNS, „Mali Split“ and „Brezice“ and she is looking forward to every new performance. When she grows up, Sofia would like to become a veterinarian and to heal animals with music.
MAŠA MILOVANOVIĆ je rođena 12. septembra 2012. godine u Banjoj Luci. Učenica je četvrtog razreda. Pohađa muzičku školu Super Voice kod profesorice Suzane Dinić. Učestvovala je na mnogobrojnim festivalima od kojih se izdvajaju festival u Rimu (1. mjesto) i Skoplju (2. mjesto). U Crnoj Gori na festivalu „Zlatna pahulja“ osvojila je 2. mjesto. Na festivalu Novom Sadu „Školjkice“ osvojila je 2. mjesto. Na opštinskom takmičenju u Beogradu „Mala Sirena“ osvojila je 1. mjesto. U Poljskoj je osvojila grand prix za autorsku pjesmu Simpatija. Na ovogodišnjem „Balkan Festu“ kao najmlađa učesnica osvojila je 2. mjesto.
MASA MILOVANOVIC was born on September 12, 2012 in Banja Luka. She is a fourth grade student. She attends the „Super Voice“ music school with teacher Suzana Dinic. She participated in numerous festivals, and two of them stand out: festival in Rome (1st place) and festival in Skopje (2nd place). She won 2nd place in Montenegro in the Festival „Golden Snowflake“. She won 2nd place in the Festival „Little Shells“ in Novi Sad. At the municipal competition in Belgrade, „Mala Sirena“, she won 1st place. In Poland, she won the Grand Prix for her original song „Simpatija“. At this year’s „Balkan Fest“, she won 2nd place as the youngest participant.
MONA MUJOVIĆ je rođena 20. decembra 2011. godine na Cetinju. Učenica je šestog razreda OŠ „Sutjeska“ u Podgorici. Član je hora „Zvjezdice” u Podgorici. Piše poeziju i prozu. Više puta je nagrađivana na međunarodnim takmičenjima u literarnom i likovnom stvaralaštvu. Ipak, muzika je njena najveća ljubav i inspiracija. Učestvovala je na mnogim muzičkim manifestacijama i festivalima.
MONA MUJOVIC was born on December 20, 2011 in Cetinje. She is a sixth-grade student in Elementary School „Sutjeska“ in Podgorica. She is a member of the choir „Zvjezdice“ in Podgorica. She writes poetry and prose. She has been awarded several times at international competitions in literary and artistic creativity. Music, however, is her greatest love and inspiration. She participated in numerous musical events and festivals.
LEONA STAJIĆ je rođena 17. januara 2012. godine. Odlična je učenica petog razreda OŠ „Jovan Dučić” u Bijeljini i ide u prvi razred Muzičke škole „Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac”. Učestvovala je na dječjem festivalu „Djeca pjevaju Semberiji” 2021. godine u Bijeljini i osvojila 3. mjesto s kompozicijom Zašto moji mrze žvaku. Takođe je osvojila i 3. mjesto s recitacijom Puštam sebe na slobodu povodom manifestacije „Višnjićevi dani” u Bijeljini. Energična je i vesela djevojčica koja uči i engleski jezik. Lako sklapa nova prijateljstva, obožava da svira klavir i u slobodno vrijeme pjeva. Igra fudbal za školu, a još jedna ljubav su izvorne – etno-pjesme, koje pjeva u školi, i svakodnevno bakama i dekama.
LEONA STAJIC was born on January 17, 2012. She is an excellent student. She goes to fifth grade of Elementary School „Jovan Ducic“ in Bijeljina and to first grade of Music School „Stevan Stojanovic Mokranjac“. She participated in the Children’s Festival „Djeca pjevaju Semberiji“ in 2021 in Bijeljina and won 3rd place with the composition „Zasto moji mrze zvaku“. She also won 3rd place with the recitation „Pustam sebe na slobodu“ in the event „Visnjicevi dani“ in Bijeljina. She is an energetic and cheerful girl who likes to learn English. She easily makes new friendships, she likes to play the piano and in her free time, she sings. She plays football for her school. Her passion are the original ethno-songs, which she sings at school and to her grandparents every day.
NIYA STOYANOVA attends singing classes since she was 4 years old at Art Center “Zornitsa” with teacher Galina Ivanova. She has attended many national and international contests and festivals with songs in different genres – pop, rock and folklore. In most of the contests she is amongst the first 3 places. Her recent great successes are 2 first places at her age group at two different categories – “Spanish song” and “World hit” at Xth International Festival ABANICO 2021 and her participation at the final grand concert – a competition for the Grand Prix of the festival. She was awarded first place at the International (online) competition „Child Smile Day“ 7-8 October in Romania, for her cover version of “Let’s Twist Again”. She takes part in many charity concerts and other concerts and also takes part in the filming of videos for the songs she performs. Nia has recently been leading a children’s music show on Bulgarian National Television. Her repertoire includes original songs as well as songs written especially for her.
NIJA STOJANOVA pohađa časove pjevanja od svoje četvrte godine u Umjetničkom centru „Zornica“ kod učiteljice Galine Ivanove. Učestvovala je na mnogim domaćim i međunarodnim takmičenjima i festivalima s različitim žanrovima pjesama – pop, rok i izvorne narodne pjesme. Na većini takmičenja je bila u prva tri mjesta. Njeni nedavni veliki uspjesi su dva prva mjesta u njenoj starosnoj grupi u dvije različite kategorije – „Španska pjesma” i „Svjetski hit” na 10. međunarodnom festivalu ABANIKO 2021 i učešće na završnom velikom koncertu – takmičenju za gran-pri festivala. Osvojila je prvo mesto na međunarodnom (onlajn) takmičenju „Dan osmjeha djeteta“ 7-8. oktobra u Rumuniji, za svoju verziju pjesme „Let’s Twist Again“. Učestvuje na mnogim dobrotvornim koncertima, kao i na drugim koncertima, a učestvuje i u snimanju spotova za pjesme koje izvodi. Nija je nedavno bila voditeljka muzičke emisije za djecu na Bugarskoj nacionalnoj televiziji. Na njenom repertoaru su autorske pjesme, kao i pjesme pisane specijalno za nju.
ASJA DŽOGOVIĆ učenica je petog razreda osnovne škole i ima deset godina. Članica je škole pjevanja D mol, učesnica festivala „Naša radost” (Podgorica 2021). Na festivalu „Zlatna nota” (Novi Pazar 2021) osvojila je 2. nagradu za interpretaciju i 1. nagradu za najbolju muziku i aranžman za pjesmu Dio neba. Za istu pjesmu na festivalu „Ljubav naša je planeta” (Užice 2022) osvaja 2. nagradu. Učesnica je i festivala „Zlatna pahulja” (Rožaje 2022). Voli muziku, igra tenis i voli da crta.
ASJA DZOGOVIC goes to fifth grade of elementary school and she is ten years old. She is a member of the „D-moll“ school of singing. She participated in the Festival „Our Joy“ (Podgorica 2021). At the „Golden Note“ Festival (Novi Pazar 2021), she won 2nd prize for interpretation and 1st prize for best music and arrangement for the song „Dio neba“. For the same song, she won 2nd prize in the Festival „Ljubav, nasa je planeta“ (Uzice 2022). She also participated in the „Golden Snowflake“ Festival (Rozaje 2022). She likes music, she plays tennis and likes to draw.
TISA GAL (Tisa Rock) je rođena 27. 1. 2015 u Mariboru. Ide u drugi razred osnovne škole u Slovenskoj Bistrici. Već sa četiri godine je nastupala s dramskom sekcijom, igrala i plesala. Pjeva i u horu, trenira atletiku, folklor. Njena učiteljica je primijetila njen talenat i slobodu na sceni pa su pripremile pjesmu Sweet child of mine, na kojoj je se pokazao i Tisin afinitet prema rok muzici. Ona je djevojčica s više talenata i sposobnosti.
TISA GAL (Tisa Rock) was born on January 27, 2015 in Maribor. She goes to second grade of elementary school in Slovenska Bistrica. Since the age of four, she has been performing with the drama section and dancing. She also sings in the choir, does athletics and goes to folk dance classes. Her teacher noticed her talent and freedom on stage, so they prepared the song „Sweet child of mine“, which showed Tisa’s affinity for rock music. She is a girl with many talents and many abilities.
IRIS FEMIĆ je rođena 22. februara 2013. godine u Podgorici. Ide u četvrti razred OŠ „Oktoih” . Od 2019. godine pohađa školu D mol, a 2022. godine je učestvovala na takmičenju „Zlatna pahulja” u Rožajama, s pjesmom Uspomene. Ide i na folklor, a još jedan od hobija joj je košarka. Voli druženje i poznanstva s novim drugarima.
IRIS FEMIC was born on February 22, 2013 in Podgorica. She goes to fourth grade of Elementary School „Oktoih“. She has been attending „D-moll“ school of singing since 2019, and in 2022 she participated in the „Golden Snowflake“ Festival in Rozaje, with the song „Uspomene“. She also goes to folk dance classes, and has another hobby – basketball. She likes socializing and meeting new friends.
IVA RADENKOVIĆ je rođena u Somboru, ima sedam godina i učenica je prvog razreda Osnovne škole „Avram Mrazović”. Takođe je i učenica Muzičke škole „Petar Konjović” u Somboru, gdje svira violinu. Od svoje četvrte godine pjeva u horu „Šareni vokali”. Najviše voli da pjeva, svira violinu i nastupa na bini.
IVA RADENKOVIC was born in Sombor. She is seven years old and she goes to first grade of Elementary School „Avram Mrazovic“. She also attends Music School „Petar Konjovic“ in Sombor, where she plays the violin. Since the age of four, she has been singing in the choir „Sareni vokali“. She likes to sing, play the violin and perform on stage.
ANA AJDUKOVIĆ pohađa Muzičku školu „Dragutin Tadijanović” – četvrti razred plesnog smjera. Godine 2021. osvojila je prvo mjesto na državnom takmičenju u Zagrebu u svojoj kategoriji sa 98,96 bodova. Član je hora „Javorčići” iz Vukovara kod učiteljice Aleksandre Krtinić. Osvojila je prvo mjesto na Međunarodnom festivalu u Novom Sadu „Školjkice” s autorskom pjesmom Anđele. Takmičarka je popularne emisije Pinkove zvezdice.
ANA AJDUKOVIC attends the Music School „Dragutin Tadijanovic“, and she goes to fourth grade – dance department. In 2021, she won first place at the national competition in Zagreb in her category with 98.96 points. She is a member of the choir „Javorcici“ from Vukovar under the leading of Aleksandra Krtinic. She won first place at the International Festival „Little Shells“ in Novi Sad with her original song „Andjele“. She is a contestant on the popular show „Pinkove zvezdice“.
JANA DRAGOJEVIĆ je rođena 4. novembra 2013. godine u Prijedoru. Živi u Prijedoru s majkom Snežanom, ocem Zoranom i sestrom Ivom. Učenica je četvrtog razreda OŠ „Desanka Maksimović” i prvog razreda Muzičke škole „Savo Balaban” – smjer gitara. Trenira gimnastiku, voli da pjeva i da se igra s drugarima u parkiću.
JANA DRAGOJEVIC was born on November 4, 2013 in Prijedor. She lives in Prijedor with her mother Snezana, father Zoran and sister Iva. She goes to fourth grade of Elementary School „Desanka Maksimovic“ and to first grade of Music School „Savo Balaban“ – the guitar department. She is doing gymnastics, she likes to sing and play with her friends in the park.
MAŠA GAŠIĆ je rođena 23. septembra 2011. godine u Prijedoru. Učenica je šestog razreda OŠ „Desanka Maksimović”, gdje je i član horske sekcije. Takođe je učenica trećeg razreda Osnovne muzičke škole „Savo Balaban” – odsjek violina. Od svoje treće godine aktivan je član i solista dječjeg hora „Vilenjak”. S horom je nastupala na festivalima: Banjalučki horski susreti, „Zlatna Vila”, Smotri dječjih horova „Bihać 2021” i „Bihać 2022” i brojnim manifestacijama. Član je SKUD „Dr Mladen Stojanović” Prijedor. Oduševljena je učešćem, poznanstvom i druženjem s đurđevdancima i sjajnim rezultatom na prošlogodišnjem Đurđevdanskom festivalu. Pjevala je pjesmu Kabare pravilnog govora na najbolji mogući način, izrazila želju da se opet prijavi i još jednom bude dio đurđevdanske čarolije.
MASA GASIC was born on September 23, 2011 in Prijedor. She is a sixth-grade student in Elementary School „Desanka Maksimovic“, where she is also a member of the choir section. She also goes to third grade of Elementary Music School „Savo Balaban“ – the violin department. Since she was three, she has been an active member and soloist of the children’s choir „Vilenjak“. She performed with the choir at the following festivals: Banja Luka Choir Meetings, „Golden Fairy“, Festival of Children’s Choirs „Bihac 2021“ and „Bihac 2022“ as well as in numerous other events. She is a member of Serbian Cultural and Art Association „Dr Mladen Stojanovic“ Prijedor. She is thrilled about participation, acquaintances and socializing with the little Djurdjevdan performers, as well as the great result at last year’s Djurdjevdan Festival. She sang the song „Kabare pravilnog govora“ in the best possible way and she expressed her wish to apply again and to be a part of the Djurdjevdan magic once more.
DARINA TUMAŠEVIČA rođena je u Rigi (Letonija). Ima deset godina i od malih nogu pokazivala je interesovanje za pjevanje nakon čega je odlučeno da je pošalju u vokalni studio „Pompurini”. Počela je pjevati sa samo tri godine, a s pet godina osvaja prvo mjesto na takmičenju u Bugarskoj, Moldaviji i u Makedoniji. Takođe, osvajala je nagrade i u svojoj zemlji. Najviše vremena provodi uz muziku, pohađa muzičku školu i član je hora, ali svira i bubnjeve. Darina je pozitivna, nasmijana i puna ljubavi za sve ljude.
DARINA TUMASHEVICHA was born in Riga (Latvia). She is ten years old and from early childhood, Darina showed a desire to sing, after which it was decided to send her to “Pumpurini” vocal studio. Darina began to sing from the age of 3. At the age of 5, Darina took the first place at the competition in Bulgaria, Moldova and in Macedonia. She also won prizes in her native country. In general, Darina’s favorite pastime is music, so she went to study at a music school, she sings in a choir and also learn to play the drums. Thanks to her positivity, fervent laughter and good heart, Darina goes forward in life with a smile and love for everyone around.
ANDREA JAKOVLJEVIĆ je rođena 8. aprila 2014. godine u Foči. Pohađa treći razred Osnovne škole „Sveti Sava”. Odličan je đak. Uporedo ide u pripremni razred osnovne muzičke škole. Redovno učestvuje na školskim priredbama i manifestacijama. Mnogo voli muziku i od malih nogu pokazuje interesovanje za pjevanje. Član je Kulturno-umjetničkog društva „Foča” i trenira odbojku. Slobodno vrijeme provodi igrajući se s mlađim bratom, crta i uči engleski jezik.
ANDREA JAKOVLJEVIC was born on April 8, 2014 in Foca. She goes to third grade of Elementary School „Sveti Sava“. She is an excellent student. At the same time, she goes to preparatory class in elementary music school. She regularly participates in school events and manifestations. She likes music very much and has shown interest in singing from an early age. She is a member of the Cultural-Artistic Society „Foca“ and she plays volleyball. She spends her free time playing with her younger brother. She enjoys drawing and learning English.
DIANA ULIKHANYAN was born on November 25 in Vladimir, Russia. Diana likes to study all kinds of art, besides music, she loves to draw and dance very much. Despite her young age, Diana managed to reach significant heights in her work. Among them is GRAND PRIX at the International Vocal Competition „LITTLE SHELS“ Serbia, Novi Sad, 1st place at the International Festival: Zvezdichki-2021 Macedonia, winner of the 1st degree at the International ART-VOYAGE 2022 Festival in Kazan, GRAND PRIX at the International Festival of Beauty, Fashion and Talent „WORLD BEAUTY 2022“ in Skopje, Macedonia, three times winner of the 1st degree at the Sergey Penkin International Vocal Competition „Golden Octave“, Moscow, 1st degree laureate at the International Festival „Rainbow over Vitebsk 2022“ Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk, 1st PLACE at the International Festival „MUSICLAND 2022“ Macedonia, Ohrid, Winner of the Award in the field of fashion, beauty and art SLAVA ZAITSEV AWARDS 2022, Winner of the title MINI MISS WORLD 2022 at the International Beauty Contest „World Beauty 2022“, Moscow. She is also the winner of many other large-scale television courses and projects, both in Russia and abroad!
DIJANA ULIHANIJAN je rođena 25. novembra u Vladimiru, Rusija. Dijana voli da izučava sve vrste umjetnosti, a pored muzike, veoma voli da crta i pleše. Uprkos svojoj mladosti, Dijana je uspjela da postigne značajan uspjeh, između ostalog, osvojila je: gran-pri na Međunarodnom vokalnom takmičenju „Školjkice“ Srbija, Novi Sad, prvo mjesto na Međunarodnom festivalu „Zvezdički“ Makedonija (2021), prvu nagradu na Međunarodnom festivalu „ART-VOYAGE 2022“ u Kazanju, gran-pri na Međunarodnom festivalu ljepote, mode i talenata „WORLD BEAUTY 2022“ u Skoplju, Makedonija; trostruki je dobitnik prve nagrade na Međunarodnom vokalnom takmičenju Sergej Penkin „Zlatna oktava“, Moskva, dobitnik prve nagrade na Međunarodnom festivalu „Duga nad Vitebskom 2022“ Republika Bjelorusija, Vitebsk, prvo mjesto na Međunarodnom festivalu „MUSICLAND 2022“ Makedonija, Ohrid; dobitnik je nagrade u oblasti mode, ljepote i umjetnosti „Nagrada Slava Zajcev 2022“, osvojila je titulu „Mini mis svijeta 2022“ na Međunarodnog takmičenja ljepote „World Beauty 2022“, Moskva. Takođe je pobjednik mnogih drugih velikih televizijskih takmičenja i projekata, kako u Rusiji, tako i u inostranstvu!
NIKOLINA KATAVIĆ ima deset godina i ide u četvrti razred Osnovne škole „Rugvica”. Od svoje četvrte godine pohađa dječji hor „Arija” i časove pjevanja kod mentorke Lamie Belošević. S horom je nastupala na mnogim festivalima i takmičenjima, a 2021. je kao debitantkinja osvojila 1. mjesto na Međunarodnom festivalu u Brežicama. Takođe je učestvovala na Međunarodnom dječjem festivalu „Razigrane note” KIDS&TEEN on-Line Fest 2021 te osvojila 2. mjesto stručnog žirija i Nagradu publike u kategoriji do devet godina. Na Festivalu igračaka Ivanić-Grad osvojila je 2. mjesto. Učestvovala je na 27. Festivalu FeNS Koper. Slobodno vrijeme voli provoditi s prijateljima. Najviše voli da pjeva, a za sebe kaže da je pozitivna, nasmijana, vesela i maštovita.
NIKOLINA KATAVIC is ten years old and she goes to fourth grade of Elementary School „Rugvica“. Since the age of four, she has been attending the children’s choir „Arija“ and singing lessons with her mentor Lamia Belosevic. She performed with the choir in numerous festivals and competitions, and in 2021, as a debutante, she won 1st place in the International Festival in Brezice. She also participated in the International Children’s Festival „Playful Notes“, KIDS&TEEN on-Line Fest 2021 where she won 2nd place and the Audience Award in the category up to 9-year-olds. She won 2nd place in the Toy Festival in Ivanic-Grad. She participated in the 27th music festival FeNS in Koper. She likes to spend her free time with her friends. Most of all, she likes to sing, and she describes herself as positive, smiley, cheerful and full of imagination.
TARA RISTIĆ je rođena 21. oktobra 2013. godine u Sarajevu. Učenica je četvrtog razreda Francuske osnovne škole u Sarajevu – CIFS, te prvog razreda Osnovne muzičke škole – Novo Sarajevo. Muzikom se počela baviti s pet godina, kada je upisala muzičku radionicu u Basics muzičkoj školi. Učestvovala je u svim važnim projektima ove muzičke škole i izdvaja nastup u posljednjem novogodišnjem TV programu škole „Novogodišnji Basich Show” koji se emitovao u programu BHT1 gdje je pokazala svoje glumačke i pjevačke sposobnosti. Kao članica Basics škole Tara Ristić osvojila je prvu nagradu u kategoriji Baby – klavir na 12. Međunarodnom festivalu „Muzičko proleće” održanom 2022. godine u Smederevu (Srbija), te prvu nagradu u kategoriji klavir – pretkategorija na 4. Međunarodnom takmičenju pijanista „Akordeon Art Plus” 2022. godine u Istočnom Sarajevu. Njena najveća ljubav je muzika, a u Basics školi osim odsjeka za pjevanje pohađa i odsjek za glumu. Tara se bavila i plesom, U slobodno vrijeme bavi se i slikarstvom.
TARA RISTIC was born on October 21, 2013 in Sarajevo. She is a student of the 4th grade of the French elementary school in Sarajevo – CIFS, and the first grade of the Elementary Music School – Novo Sarajevo (Grbavica II). She started music at the age of 5 years, when she was enrolled in a music workshop in the „Basics Music School“. In the past period, she participated in all the important projects of this great music school, of which we should point out a performance in the last New Year’s TV program where she showed her acting and singing skills. As a member of „Basics“, Tara Ristic won the first prize in the category BABY – piano at the 12th International Festival „Musical Spring“ held on 29.05.2022. in Smederevo (Serbia), and the First prize in the category piano – precategory at the 4th International Piano Competition „Akordeon Art Plus“ held on 03.06.2022. in East Sarajevo. Her greatest love is music, and in the Basics school, which has inflamed a passion for art, in addition to solo singing, she also attends the acting department. Tara was also engaged in modern dance, and with the club „Astorija“ (Sarajevo) she won the competition „Sarajevo Dance Festival“ on November 14, 2021. In free time, she is also engaged in painting.
ZOLA RISTIĆ je rođena 5. oktobra 2015. godine u Sarajevu. Učenica je drugog razreda Francuske osnovne škole u Sarajevu – CIFS. Muzikom se bavi od četvrte godine, kada je upisala muzičku radionicu u Basics muzičkoj školi. Sa sestrom Tarom učestvovala je u svim projektima ove sjajne muzičke škole od kojih treba izdvojiti nastup u posljednjem novogodišnjem TV programu škole „Novogodišnji Basics Show” gdje je izvela solo tačku. Zola uživa u pjevanju, sluša stranu pop muziku, a u slobodno vrijeme bavi se i slikarstvom. Bavila se i modernim plesom i s klubom „Astorija” pobijedila je na takmičenju Sarajevo Dance Festival 14. novembra 2021. godine. U Basics školi, osim odsjeka za solo pjevanje pohađa i odsjek za glumu.
ZOLA RISTIC was born on October 5, 2015 in Sarajevo. She the student of the second grade of the French elementary school in Sarajevo – CIFS. She started music at the age of 4 years when she was enrolled in the music workshop in „Basics Music School“. Together with the Sister Tara, in the past period, she participated in all important projects of this great music school from which the performance in the last New Year’s TV program where should be point out with the remarkable solo performed.
Zola enjoys singing, listening to a side of pop music, and in free time she is also engaged in painting. She was also engaged in modern dance, and with the club „Astorija“ she won the competition „Sarajevo Dance Festival“ on November 14, 2021. In addition to solo singing, she also attends the acting class at Basics School which she appreciate very much.